Black Cumin Seed One Of The Top Beneficial Herbs Of The Year

Nigella sativa is one the most revered medicinal seeds in history. The best seeds come from Egypt where they grow under almost perfect conditions in oases where they are watered until the seed pods form. Black cumin seeds were found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. Though black cumin seeds are mentioned in the Bible as well as in the words of the Prophet Mohammed, they were not carefully researched until about forty years ago. Since this time, more than 200 studies have been conducted in universities.

With a seed containing so many constituents and having such a long ethnobotanical history, it is not surprising that many throughout the Mediterranean and Asia believe that black cumin is basically good for all that ails us. However, the claims are not outrageously far-fetched if one considers how complete the seeds are in terms of their many chemical constituents. Still, it is understandable that anyone who claims that something can do anything from increasing one's sperm count or increasing milk production in a nursing mother to relieving bronchial conditions such as asthma and bronchitis, is not taken seriously. One then wonders if the imagination of the poets has triumphed over the logic of scientists? Just remember: those paying homage to the black seeds of the Egyptian oases were praising the capacity of the seeds to restore normalcy, not cure. This is not unimaginable if the nutrients are sufficient to correct deficiency conditions.

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Researchers from Saudi Arabia recently reviewed scientific research on the benefits of using black seeds as an herbal medicine. They discussed the miraculous healing power of Nigella sativa and its prominent position among herbal medicines. Its high ranking is based on scientific evidence. Most of the therapeutic properties of this plant are linked to thymoquinone which is the major bioactive component of the essential oil contained in the seeds and in black cumin seed oil.

Black cumin seed oil is quickly becoming the best health product for millions of people internationally.

It’s native source, Nigella Sativa, has been involved in hundreds of studies regarding high-level wellness and particularly disease prevention. One of its active ingredients, Thymoquinone, has been effective in reducing the size of existing tumors.

Dr. Gary Null states, “Every time you take black cumin you are stimulating your immune system to fight on your behalf and increase natural killer cells.” Thus, referring to its ability to improve the immune system and help treat even the most impossible invaders like cancer and HIV successfully.

There have been reports of these “magical” seeds used throughout history in the Middle East, the Mediterranean and India, for minor headaches and skin irritations to otherwise deemed impossible circumstances. Black cumin seed is regarded throughout the entire Middle East as one of the most powerful anti-carcinogenic herbs ever in existence…

A study conducted at Kimmel Cancer Center, at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia revealed that Nigella Sativa (black cumin) DESTROYED pancreatic cancer cells.

The magic ingredient in Nigella Sativa appears to be thymoquinone. Researchers believe that thymoquinone use holds promise as a treatment strategy both for patients who have already gone through surgery and chemotherapy, as well as a promising preventative measure—especially for those who are genetically prone.

Nigella Sativa (Black Seed) has been revered as a medicinal herb with a wide range of healing capabilities for almost 4000 years. Even the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) once said:

“Hold on to the use of the black seed for it has a remedy for every disease except death.”

With proven effectiveness against the most life-threatening culprits, including but not limited to cancer, bacteria, viruses, ulcers, diabetes, chronic inflammation, liver & pancreatic disease, fungus, molds and deadly parasites….

In 1989, an article about phenomenal properties of black cumin was published in the Pakistani Medical Journal. Then in 1992, research of the antibacterial properties of black cumin in comparison with strong antibiotics was carried out in the medical department of the University of Dhaka in Bangladesh. The facts were very fascinating – black cumin oil demonstrated itself as a MORE EFFICIENT remedy against certain types of bacteria, including those which most strongly resist antibiotic drugs.

Black cumin may be the most “all-in-one” health provider in existence. Since 1964, there have been 458 published studies involving black cumin – confirming what Middle Eastern and North African cultures have known for thousands of years – that black cumin is nothing short of a miracle all-healing remedy.

Its no surprise that Black Cumin Seed, or Nigella sativa, ranked in as one of the top herbs of 2015 and will continue to be into 2016.

You can click here for a great Black Cumin Seed Extract .

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We often ask readers to talk to the doctor, but in this case, talk to your pharmacist –  especially if you are taking long-term medications. Herbal supplements, for instance, may cause side effects when mixed with prescription drugs, or reduce the effectiveness of a drug.

All herbal supplements must carry on the label the name of the herb, a complete list of ingredients, serving size, active ingredients, amount, and manufacturer information.  Make sure you are getting actual Nigella sativa as the name “black seed” can mean other herbs and spices as well.

Combining multiple ingredients in a single pill really doesn't add extra value or medicinal benefits.  Look for pure Nigella sativa oil.

Regulations on natural dietary supplements are not as strict as they are for medications, so quality may vary.  Make sure to find a product that is manufactured in a cGMP (certified Good Manufacturing Practice) facility.  Made in the USA is usually another good indicator.